
Viewing Act 2 with Plot Diagrams

Plot Review and Viewing Act 1

Regents MC Part 1 Benchmark (Wed.-Fri. NCTE)

Act 3 Part 2: To the Courthouse (up to roughly Mary Warren not fainting on command)

Act 3: To the Courthouse (Up to Giles' deposition only if reading aloud)

Indispensable Characterization Review (Fri.)

Innocent Confessions

Maslow's Hierarchy Review

Act 2 and Maslow's Psychology

Act 2, Part 2: Hale's Interrogation (short schedule)

Act 2, Part 1: Proctor's Home

Finish Characterization Worksheet and Back Work

Characterization Review with The Crucible Director's Notes

The Crucible Act 1, Part 2 (Day 2)