- Warm-up: Slide Poll (Is it important to be outside in nature? Where would you rather live? If you had to live in nature, where would it be?)
- Videos (after first Slido question)
- Transcendentalism Notes PPT (w/ video if time but probably not)
- Blog Entry
Answer the following:
Part 1: Is Transcendentalism something that we need today or is it an outdated concept? (You may consider forest bathing or what the Transcendentalism notes video said about social media.) **You need to write a complete, original paragraph for full credit.**
Part 2: Find an image of a place that you are familiar with that you believe is Transcendental. In other words, find an image of a place (preferably in nature or at least outside) that you feel connects you with something spiritual (it does not need to be a belief in a specific religion or god, just something that feels larger than yourself). Paste the image below and write a couple of sentences explaining what made you pick this image. Make sure to resize the image to fit the screen. If it's showing up too big, it may prevent me from seeing what you wrote.
Note: These are not private journals. They will display for other students in your section.
- Submit Blog entry
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